by Ernesto Comodo

Happy Earth Day! Earth Day, is a day where I give special attention to this incredible place we call Earth and I like to reflect on how I can further contribute so future generations can also enjoy this place. 

Living in the Caribbean for just under 1 year I’m surrounded by clear blue water beaches, amazing greenery and fruit trees all around me. Being so close to nature I can see and experience how dependent we are from it. Starting with limited freshwater, the roofs need a system to collect rain water into their cisterns as most houses do not have a city water plumbing system. When it is the dry season you must be aware of how much water you have and use it wisely. My family, coming from Los Angeles, where not very conscious of the water usage and we did ran out of water at least twice. Not fun, but a good lesson to learn as we slowly adapt to island life.

In the Caribbean it is important that all businesses are sustainable, depending from the outside is not just expensive but a long wait to get product, service. Something that might take you 1-2 days can be 3-6 weeks.  A small coffee shop with a broken espresso machine was not able to serve coffee for 2 months while waiting for parts to get to them. 

All my current projects have been around sustainability. From developing organic fertilizer for improvement in the internal agriculture. Transforming a retail flower shop into using more local flowers, composting its waste for a garden, switching to renewable energy to recycling water. Yes an expensive initial cost but it will guarantee the business survival in the long run and most importantly contribute to the well being of everyone, something customers appreciate and increase loyalty towards these brands.

How can you start going green?

So how can you as a small business owner go green? Yes there will be costs involved but if planned well it will be a well worth it investment for the longevity of your business.

Start with an environmental audit.

If you can, hire a marketing company such as 907K Marketing which can provide a Green Audit on its Marketing Strategy or if you have the time and would like to do  it yourself you can follow the steps my company uses when doing an audit.

  1. Start your audit with a Carbon Footprint calculator to have an idea how big is your business annual carbon footprint. (
    Next check the trash in your business to see how it can be reduced, look at your energy use and how it can be more efficient.
  2. Use recyclable materials.
    The more recyclable materials you use, the eco-friendlier your business can be. Biodegradable labels and 100%recyclable paper.  Shipping boxes made with 100% recycled material. Waste materials generated on-site are recycled, such as boxes, packaging materials, paper, bottles and caps.”
  3. Repurpose or redesign your products.
    Companies can see dramatic reductions in their internal operating costs by redesigning how their products are made or disposed of. In many instances, products that reach the end of their useful life cycle can be repurposed as raw material in the creation of a new product, saving considerable dollars previously allocated to the purchase of virgin material.
  4. Place recycling bins throughout the office.
    In most cases employees want to recycle, but you need to make it convenient for them. Place recycling receptacles throughout the office. Offering opportunities to throw something in a blue bin as opposed to a waste basket is most of the battle.
  5. Encourage and reward environmentally conscious behavior.
    Encourage the use of environmentally-conscious packaging. If customers bring their own bags as we see in grocery stores or bring an old product and you give them credit for recycling it.
  6. Reduce paper use.
    At 907K Marketing, we haven’t shown a client a paper-proof concept in years. This is significant, because in marketing, clients are used to seeing paper mock-ups of campaign ideas. Instead we use various software and cloud applications to communicate and update documents, instead of paper. Like many eco-friendly practices, going paperless has other benefits. We saved a lot of storage space formerly used for paper documents, we saved money from not having to print as much and we also became much more efficient overall.
  7. Get everyone on board.
    To run a green business and eco-friendly business, it’s vital that everyone is dedicated to “greening the company,” Get your partners, associates, contractors and employees to also participate in team-building activities and initiatives related to improving the environment. Get everyone together for trail and beach cleanups.  There’s a company that has an initiative called Native Trails Challenge. This involves competing for hiking miles that translate to donation dollars for local environmental nonprofits.

Let the world know

Once you begin your strategy to improve your carbon footprint and sustainability it is time to let your customers and potential customers know. 

Put out messages promoting that your company uses sustainable materials, offers energy-efficient products or that your packaging is 100 percent recyclable.  

Some Marketing ideas include:

  • Donating for Organizations such as 1% for the Planet. Create matching funds
  • Sponsor a clean up day (beach, park, street)
  • Pledge to plant a tree every new order or certain $ amount
  • Find ways to utilize your product after end of life
    • Food scraps for compost
    • Clothing material – to remake other clothes or material
  • Use renewable energy
  • Choose Green hosting for your website
  • Use refillable ink cartridges, and toners
  • If you can produce your own product or find a local supplier
    • Organic FoodGrowing Your Own Food Reduces Carbon Footprints
  • Eco friendly beauty products
  • Use eco friendly landscaping for your office / store
    • Native plants, plants that use less water, create systems to retain water Reduce Cooling Costs with Well Placed Trees and Shrubs

In Conclusion

In conclusion, going green can be especially beneficial for your small businesses as it can help you reduce expenses, gain customers, boost employee morale, save money and improve your reputation within your community. Your business can go green by adopting easy-to-implement greening initiatives in the short term and planning long-term sustainability strategies to reduce waste, limit water usage, offer alternatives to harmful chemicals and materials, and lower your carbon emissions.

Ernesto Comodo
Marketing Director
Los Angeles South Chamber of Commerce (LASCC)
907K Marketing
Transforming small businesses into small giants through marketing strategy, branding and advertisement.

Ernesto Comodo - Administrator

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