Raising children in today’s technology-driven world presents both challenges and opportunities for parents. As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, parents must navigate how to incorporate digital tools into their children’s lives while also ensuring a healthy balance with real-world experiences.

One of the key considerations for parents is setting appropriate boundaries around technology use. This includes establishing screen time limits, monitoring the content their children consume online, and teaching them about responsible digital citizenship. We have to consider when they are in school and not in school.  By instilling these boundaries early on, parents can help their children develop healthy habits and avoid the potential negative effects of excessive screen time, such as sleep disturbances and reduced physical activity.

Another important aspect of raising children in the digital age is fostering open communication. Parents should create a safe space for their children to discuss their online experiences, including any concerns or challenges they may encounter. By having these conversations regularly, parents can stay informed about their children’s digital activities and offer guidance and support when needed.

One of the things our family put into place is a contract between us and our daughters so that they understand the conqences if they break the contract in regards to their technology usage.  We must remember we purchased their technology and if it is used improperly it’s on us as parents

Additionally, parents can leverage technology as a tool for learning and creativity. There are countless educational apps, games, and online resources available that can supplement traditional learning methods and spark children’s curiosity. Encouraging children to explore these digital resources in a balanced way can enhance their skills in areas such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and digital literacy.

In conclusion, raising children in today’s technology world requires a thoughtful and proactive approach. By setting boundaries, fostering open communication, and embracing technology as a learning tool, parents can help their children navigate the digital landscape responsibly and thrive in a technology-driven society.

Larcenia Young Lott

Larcenia L. Young Lott

Certified Member of Los Angeles South Chamber of Commerce

(310) 722-9629

Certified Consultant


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