Cover Story

Success On “The Way”

“Go! Dig Up Your Pound”
“Is Your Wealth Under the Mattress In A Napkin?”

When the rich man and the nobleman went away, they each entrusted their wealth to their servants. To some were given talents (amounting to more than 15 years wages) and according to their own personal ability (Matt. 25:15) Some Others were given minas (pounds) amounting to about three months wages. The talent could have perhaps been gold, silver or bronze. It was counted by weight. When Jesus began to speak using these terms: mina-pound, and talent; the audience knew He was talking about money.

Some of the recipients of the talent or pound were quite ambitious and immediately began to trade (as instructed) their entrusted amount to invest and gain interest. One of the lazy, worthless servants degraded the owner, calling him harsh and telling him how terrible he was and that he decided to just bury his “entrusted amount for trading.” Never suspecting harsh judgement, he was living in unreality. Although it was not a gift, but an entrusted amount to be invested. The one who received five talents presented his entrusted amount and multiplied his to five more talents!

This shows us this person was confident, had good judgment and didn’t mind working to achieve his goal. He valued being trusted. He respected the rich man/one of high birth-nobleman. He respected the nobleman (Luke 19:12) I love the part of these two parables, “well done good and faithful servant, (Matt. 25:21), you have been faithful over little, I will set you over much.” Not only that, but he says, enter into the joy of your master.” Don’t you love it!”

One lazy, lack of confidence recipient hides his in the ground Matt. 25:18. The other slothful servant said, I hid my pound in a handkerchief.(Luke 19:20). Here’s the message: Those who have gifts and talents (in this case it refers to money entrusted, “do not waste them through fear, selfishness, distrust, despising the rich man or nobleman, jealousy. Also, he took God to be a fool and sought to deceive, pretending to be so afraid that he would not accept the honor of having been entrusted. He returned trust with jealousy.

He was intending to keep his pound or talent for himself and thought he could camouflage his true intent. God knows the intent of our hearts before and after committing any act. Now, look at the great rewards: five cities! He doubles the rewards. Isn’t that just like our generous Lord God. So giving and rewarding. Sometimes we have to wait, but He always comes through. Remember what was said, “enter into the joy of the Lord.” That’s big.

Jeanette Grattan Parker Ph.d-Founder-Superintendent
Today’s Fresh Start Charter School
4514 Crenshaw blvd.,
Los Angeles, CA 90043.

Weekly Columnist for LA Sentinel News

Inquiring Minds Want To know.”© All rights reserved. Partial Scripture list references: Jeanette Grattan Parker is Founder-Superintendent of Today’s Fresh Start Charter School:4514 Crenshaw BL, LA 90043 323-293-9826 Dr. Jeanette’s Articles are copyright. All rights reserved. Inquiring Minds Want To Know” © Ask Dr. Jeanette (TMwww.Ask Let me know. Dr. Jeanette also writes a weekly article for The Los Angeles Sentinel News. Dial in Sundays for music & message: 11:30am {1-712-775-8971—code 266751}

Ernesto Comodo - Administrator

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