Current Edition

Success On “The Way” “The Divine Counsel Meets” “Opening The Window of Heaven”

by: Jeanette Grattan Parker

Around 822-800 B.C. Syria and Israel had not been at war for about three years. Jehoshaphat (king of Judah) visited Ahab (king of Israel). Ahab was talking to his employees (servants) reminding them about a territory that belonged to them (Ramoth in Gilead) and “we have not taken it back. Ahab presented a proposal to Jehoshaphat to go to battle (war) to regain the territory. Jehoshaphat was agreeable with Ahab with, saying “my horses are your horses, my People are as your people.” (1 Kings 22) Jehoshaphat Offered Ahab some very good advice in a tactful manner, “Enquire, I pray thee, at the word of the LORD to day.” He was saying to him, before you make such a serious decision to go to battle, it is wise that you talk to the LORD about it first. [This is advice from ancient times, but it applies to here and now. Before you set out to accomplish a project, seek wise counsel to avoid significant loss. 

 Once you get into something, it isn’t so easy to get out of it. If you get into a project, did you weigh it out first? Did you count the costs beforehand; “(Luke 14:28) For which of you intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and counts the cost to determine if you have sufficient funds to finish it?” That is, have you looked at the time to complete it? Did you hire a company of good experience and reputation to complete it? Did you make a good contract to hold your contractor and his/her subcontractors to their responsibility OR did you make a tight contract and not pay them all the money in advance and they leave you and didn’t finish?] 

In response to Jeshoshaphat’s question, Ahab said, “There is Micaiah, but I hate him because he only prophesies bad things when I ask him about my business.” Jehoshaphat and Ahab got together formally dressed in their throne and all Ahab’s prophets prophesied to them saying, “Go on to battle and take back our territory (Ramoth in Gilead). The LORD will deliver it into the king’s hands. 

 Meantime a messenger went to seek Micaiah. The messenger told Micaiah what the prophets had said and that the words of the prophets only declare good and they are all speaking the same thing together. So, I want you to say the same thing also. Ahab said okay Micaiah, shall we go to battle or not. Speak that which is good. Micaiah said I will only speak that which the LORD tells me to speak; but said okay go ahead and the LORD will deliver your property back to you, Ahab. Ahab had pressured him to be like the others and let me do what I want to do. 

Micaiah said, “I will tell you the truth.” [the windows of heaven opened to Micaiah so he could see what was happening to seek the response to give to Ahab.  “I saw Israel scattered upon the hills like sheep with no shepherd and the LORD said, “These have no master: let them return every man to his house in peace.” Ahab was angry, saying didn’t I tell you he would only prophesy bad things about me.” Well the fact is there are some who only want to hear good things and not the truth. Micaiah goes on to say, “Hear the word of the LORD: I saw the LORD sitting on His throne, and all the host of heaven standing by HIM on His right hand and on His left. The LORD said, who shall persuade Ahab that he may go up and fall at Ramoth-Gilead? And one said on this manner and another said on that manner. A spirit came forth and stood before the LORD, and said, “I will persuade him.” The LORD said how will you do it? I will go forth and I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets and the LORD said, “You shall persuade and you shall prevail. Go forth and do so.” Micaiah said, therefore, the LORD has put a lying spirit in the mouth of all Ahab’s prophet and the LORD has spoken evil concerning you (Ahab). Ahab put Micaiah in prison feed him with the bread of affliction and with water of affliction, until I come (return) in peace.” (You can read the rest in verses 29-40.) Ahab did not succeed. He was killed in battle. It takes more time to hear the word of the LORD, but we save ourselves a lot of heart ache and trouble when we use patience, wisdom and knowledge before we make a mess of things. Ahab listened only to his own press releases and got killed in battle. 

Thanks for reading! 

Jeanette Grattan Parker Ph.d-Founder-Superintendent
Today’s Fresh Start Charter School
4514 Crenshaw blvd.,
Los Angeles, CA 90043.

Weekly Columnist for LA Sentinel News

Inquiring Minds Want To know.”© All rights reserved. Partial Scripture list references: Jeanette Grattan Parker is Founder-Superintendent of Today’s Fresh Start Charter School:4514 Crenshaw BL, LA 90043 323-293-9826 Dr. Jeanette’s Articles are copyright. All rights reserved. Inquiring Minds Want To Know” © Ask Dr. Jeanette (TMwww.Ask Let me know. Dr. Jeanette also writes a weekly article for The Los Angeles Sentinel News. Dial in Sundays for music & message: 11:30am {1-712-775-8971—code 266751}

Ernesto Comodo - Administrator

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