Current Edition

Success On “The Way”


“Cast Your Net On The Right Side And You Will Find”

by: Jeanette Grattan Parker

The disciples had been fishing all night. Jesus makes his appearance as “the resurrected Savior. John recognizes Him. “It is The Lord.” As the seeker, the gatherer and countless titles, Jesus stood on the shore. He comes to help; to give hope and guidance. The disciples didn’t recognize it was him. He’s present  and this time comes as a coach. He demonstrates His creative and masterful, glorious powers. He takes over by cooking them breakfast not from the fish they caught. He is creator and the fisher of men and master of the universe. The fishermen show a hesitant obedience as he shows forth his power and glory, saying, “Have you caught any fish?” “Lord, we have caught nothing.” “He says, “Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” “Cast your net on the right side.” Luke (gospel writer) says, “Jesus spoke to Simon specifically, “Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” “Master, we toiled all night and took nothing.” They had not caught any fish after wrestling all night with the water and the nets with no success! 

 They may have perhaps been thinking, “Why haven’t we caught any fish at all? Usually, we would have caught some fish by this time. It’s been all night. We’re dead tired of fishing.” Jesus, who is now resurrected shows them the demonstration of His miraculous power and speaks the word. His word that it’s not time to give up. You’re just getting started to understand the grandeur of my provision even when you think it’s impossible and you have left aside all hope. Jesus Christ is the seeker and the gatherer. He knows where we live. He knows our address. Jesus, without hesitation and with all faith and confidence acts with all knowing. Because he is our resurrected Saviour says, “Cast your net on the right side of the ship and you will find. (John 21:6) The disciples with no belief or faith in this fishing expedition did what He said. “Simon said, But at your word I will let down the nets.”  “We have caught nothing. “Nevertheless at Thy word I will let down the net.” How miraculous is that! All they had to do was “Hear” with an open mind and have faith as a grain of mustard seed and see the possibility that there is something here for me that I have overlooked!” 

For now, The Messiah is present and all things are possible with Him and through Him. It’s a wonderful thing to know that with Jesus Christ we are conquerers over our challenges. That doesn’t mean everything is going to go our way; but it assures us that those who believe in Jesus Christ as their resurrected Saviour, we will be strengthened all the way and are overcomers as He walks and talks with us through His Holy Spirit. Where we sometimes go wrong is becoming egotistical and believing that all things come by us. There was nothing made that was made without the creator making it happen. He spoke. We need Him as the Master Director in our lives. But, we need to “hear with the ear of our mind. Listen with the ear of our mind. My sheep hear my voice and will not follow the “hireling, the impostor, the actor.”  See with the eye of our mind. “Have faith in God. For whosoever will say to this mountain to be removed and believe by faith, you shall have what you are asking for.” No, He doesn’t always put an exact time of when what you asked for will be received, but ask and keep on asking and knock and keep on knocking and believing it will happen. We know that by faith things can happen. Faith can move mountains. Patience is a vital ingredient. 

This miraculous draught of fish was convincing to them and Jesus gives them not only a net full of fish, but a promotion, “I will make you fishers of men!” Wow! There’s our mission…to live, walk the word of our Lord as His first hand representatives and believers. He increases their income and their understanding. Trust in Him. They who have the ear to hear let them hear. [Hear: to understand; hear with the ear of the mind; obey.] Thanks for reading!  

Jeanette Grattan Parker Ph.d-Founder-Superintendent
Today’s Fresh Start Charter School
4514 Crenshaw blvd.,
Los Angeles, CA 90043.

Weekly Columnist for LA Sentinel News

Inquiring Minds Want To know.”© All rights reserved. Partial Scripture list references: Jeanette Grattan Parker is Founder-Superintendent of Today’s Fresh Start Charter School:4514 Crenshaw BL, LA 90043 323-293-9826 Dr. Jeanette’s Articles are copyright. All rights reserved. Inquiring Minds Want To Know” © Ask Dr. Jeanette (TMwww.Ask Let me know. Dr. Jeanette also writes a weekly article for The Los Angeles Sentinel News. Dial in Sundays for music & message: 11:30am {1-712-775-8971—code 266751}

Ernesto Comodo - Administrator

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