On October 10th, a day dedicated to raising awareness of homelessness, World Homeless Day is observed. World Homeless Day educates the public about homelessness through discussions, activities, and events and inspires individuals, groups, and communities to take action.
People from all across the world may unite on World Homeless Day to support policies that address homelessness’s primary causes, including poverty, injustice, and other social ills. This involves promoting better access to affordable housing, improved legal safeguards for the unhoused, and more effective prevention strategies.
The goal of World Homeless Day is to raise awareness of the needs of those who experience homelessness locally and to offer opportunities for the community to get involved in addressing the issues, while using the platform that an international day provides to promote the goal of ending homelessness through better policy and funding.
There are many organizations and individuals working to help the homeless, but more needs to be done. On this World Homeless Day, let us all pledge to do our part to help those who are less fortunate than ourselves.

Written by Angela Adkins
Sunday Supper Nonprofit Organization
(323) 628-0038
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