
When it comes to running your own business, you WILL face some mountains.  Here are three things to consider when that mountain seems to be larger than life itself.

Prayers can move mountains.

In the worst of situations, it’s impossible to see how prayer might work. It’s easier to give up and accept your fate when you’re down in the dumps and life still appears to be kicking you. That is not, however, what God wants for His children. God is love, and He wants His children to live abundant lives with purpose.  When you feel like no one is on your side and everything is going wrong, turn to your Heavenly Father. Your simple prayers have the ability to change the world and move mountains.

Positive words can move mountains.

Perhaps you aren’t the one who is in pain. Maybe your business partner, your competitor, or even a customer. Whoever it is, your positive words can help them move mountains. You have the power to encourage them to change their focus if you speak from the heart and express your belief that they will get through their difficult period.  Sometimes all that is required is a little positive reinforcement. You may be that glimmer of hope and carrier of wisdom for them, for all they would need is faith the size of a mustard seed.

Presence of faith can move mountains.

Your faith should always be visible, both in word and in deed. Take a minute to slow down if you’re going through a valley or if you observe a fellow traveler experiencing a struggle.  Meet that individual where they are and literally provide a helping hand.  When words fail and prayer isn’t enough, loyal acts are often the only way to get someone out of a horrible circumstance. Give your gifts and your time to people in need whenever you can, and you might be astonished at how many mountains your faith can move.

Faith Team Foundational Scripture 

“But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”

Hebrews 11:6

Dr. Kathy Cash is the Founder of Strategies 4 Hope (“Where Hope is Nurtured through Support”); a U.S. Army Veteran, a Pastor, and a member of the Faith Team of the LA South Chamber.   Email: Info@strategies4hope.com


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