
Nutraceuticals, which are nutritional supplements with health benefits beyond basic nutrition, plays a role in supporting immunity during the cold and flu season. While they are not a replacement for a healthy diet and lifestyle, certain nutraceuticals may help boost the immune system and reduce the risk of getting sick or speed up recovery if you become ill. Here are 6 ways nutraceuticals can contribute to immune health. 

  1. Vitamins and Minerals: 
    Vitamin C: This antioxidant is known for its immune-boosting properties. It helps stimulate the production of white blood cells and has been associated with reduced cold duration and severity. Vitamin D: Adequate vitamin D levels are important for a well-functioning immune system. Many people have vitamin D deficiencies, especially during the winter months when there is less sunlight.
    Zinc: Zinc plays a role in immune cell function and can help reduce the severity and duration of cold symptoms. 
  2. Herbal Supplements: 
    Echinacea: Echinacea is an herbal remedy that people can use to prevent or reduce the symptoms of the common cold. 
    Garlic: Garlic has antimicrobial and immune – boosting properties. It help prevent infections and reduce the severity of colds and the flu.
    Elderberry: Elderberry supplements have antiviral properties and help reduce the duration and severity of cold and flu symptoms. 
  3. Probiotics:
    Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that support gut health. A healthy gut microbiome is closely linked to a strong immune system. Consuming probiotics can help maintain a balanced gut flora. 
  4. Antioxidants: 
    Nutraceuticals rich in antioxidants, such as green tea extract or resveratrol, can help reduce oxidative stress in the body. This may indirectly support the immune system by reducing inflammation and cellular damage.
  5. Omega – 3 Fatty Acids:
    Omega – 3 fatty acids, found in fish oil supplements, have anti-inflammatory properties, and can enhance immune function. 
  6. Mushroom Supplements: 
    Certain mushroom extracts, such as reishi, shiitake, and maitake, have been studied for their immune boosting effects. 

It’s important to note that the effectiveness of nutraceuticals can vary from person to person, and scientific evidence for some supplements is limited or inconclusive. Moreover, nutraceuticals should be used as a complement to, rather than replacement for, a balanced diet and regular exercise, proper sleep, and other healthy lifestyle practices. 

Before starting any new supplement regimen, please consult with your primary care provider, especially if you have other health conditions and or take medication because some supplements can interact with medications and have side effects. Also, focusing on a well-balanced diet rich in fruits vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein should be the foundation of your immunity health. 

For more questions or concerns you can contact Shemika Carter NP-C.

Shemika Carter– Mitchell RN, MSN, AGNP-C
TruCare Telehealth & House Calls, PNC.
(951) 405-0444


Certified Consultant Los Angeles South Chamber of Commerce


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